Michelle Jefferson - A Journey of Hope and Grace


Michelle Jefferson is a grateful believer in our Lord, Jesus Christ. In addition to being the administrative assistant for the Lawrenceburg Church, she is the Ministry Leader for our Celebrate Recovery Program and a substitute teacher in the Lawrence County School System. In our conversation, Michelle shares her inspiring testimony of hope and grace. She acknowledges her difficult past and current struggles, but praises God each step of the way. Even though she was abandoned as a child and experienced other pain and hardship in her life, God has shown His miraculous power multiple times. Today, Michelle is passionate about supporting others who are on their own recovery journey. I know your faith will be strengthened as you listen to her testimony.

In this episode:

  • Learn how her childhood has impacted who Michelle is today

  • Find out how she learned to surrender everything to Jesus

  • Be inspired by Michelles incredible faith in God

Music by Dexter Britain. Used under Creative Commons license. No changes have been made from the original.

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